June 2nd

In the words of that immortal bard, we’re “on the road again”.  I’m not sure if Willie Nelson has ever been referred to as an “immortal bard”, but who knows?  Anyway, we made the first leg of our summer sojourn from Daytona Beach Shores yesterday and arrived in time for the first of 3 parties this weekend celebrating my son’s graduation (along with his two classmates, Ryan and Jarred) from UAB’s oral surgery specialty program.  Josh is now a dentist, medical doctor and oral surgeon – is that Dr. Dr. Dr. Everts?

The party last night was held at Ryan Livingston’s home (he’s Josh’s new partner in their soon-to-be-opened practice, Shelby Oral Facial Surgery, in Alabaster, Alabama – see their website for more information – http://www.shelbyofs.com/) in Birmingham.  The wives of the three graduates hosted the party and a good time was had by all.  Carlin, Marianne and Lauren were very gracious hostesses and the parents and families of all three graduates were on hand for the festivities.

Tonight is the official banquet and then tomorrow is a BBQ at Carlin’s parents’ house.  It is a wonderful time for all of us to celebrate their accomplishments and to wish them well in their new practices.  Jarred will be returning to the Baltimore area for his practice, but Josh and Ryan will start their practice in a Birmingham suburb (Alabaster) in July.  Below are some pictures from the festivities last night.

The Partners – Josh & Ryan

Mothers-by-Grace (Inlaw and Step)

About Ed Everts

World traveler since retirement - love to see new places!
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1 Response to June 2nd

  1. Karen McClintock says:

    Congratulations to Dr. Dr. Dr. Josh Everts!!! I just read his bio on the link you provided. Pretty awesome. It sounds like a lot of fun celebrations going on this weekend. Enjoy!

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