July 22nd

A quick stop in Fayetteville, NC, last night on our way to Richmond, VA. Got some rain as we got into town and reached our hotel.

Maybe I’m still used to the Autobahn, but there has to be some issue with American drivers that makes them feel like they own the left lane, no matter what speed they’re going. I can’t believe the number of people I had to pass in the right lane in order to get by. We only passed three people that were either texting or talking on the phone and going slow in the left lane, but the number I passed on the right was uncountable. I think we might need to “thin the herd” in America. I’m not willing to be the one to start the PRocess with my vehicle, but I’m open to alternatives. I really would like to know how the Germans made this point so effectively.

OK, end of rant. Look out left-laners, we’re off to Richmond today!

About Ed Everts

World traveler since retirement - love to see new places!
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1 Response to July 22nd


    The Italians got the credit back in the 70’s. Our Nato briefings said that you could go into the left lane to pass, but you had to watch the mirrors for flashing lights. The Italians flashed twice and then they hit you! I never waited for a second flash.

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