July 29th

Cape Cod! We drove along the coast of Connecticut yesterday, through Rhode Island, into Massachusetts and out to the cape. The pace of life seems to slow down when you get to Cape Cod. We found a wonderful 1-bedroom condo through our vacation club here, so we have two nights to relax before we head north into Maine… to relax…

Our balcony looks out over the Nantucket Sound and our Adirondack chairs are PRetty comfortable. The waves are soothing and the lobster is inexpensive here. We found a great place with a lobster special for our “luner” as we arrived in Dennis Port. We’ve stocked up on breakfast food for the two days we’ll be here and our traveling wine supply is replenished. Life is good. And then the sun went down. Life is good and beautiful.

About Ed Everts

World traveler since retirement - love to see new places!
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