September 27th – White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia

We had a nice brunch at Jeremy & Catherine’s place with waffles and mimosas on their balcony yesterday morning before heading west. No pictures as we forgot once again.

Then it was off on I-64 toward West Virginia and the Greenbrier Resort. What an amazing place! It’s a grand hotel on the historic register and a gem in the hills of West Virginia in White Sulphur Springs. We have a great room in the Windsor Club wing, so we have access to the Club Lounge with free drinks all day and food throughout much of the day.

We’re pampering ourselves after putting grandma on a bucket back above the Arctic Circle in Alaska last month. Only ice buckets involved in this one and the bathroom is in our room this time. We opted for dinner at Sam Snead’s Restaurant overlooking the golf course last night. The food was excellent and the views of the course were outstanding. The sun went behind the mountains just after we were seated and the evening air was almost as refreshing as the beverages.

They have an indoor mask mandate but it pays to read the last line in the exceptions section on the sign. Fortunately, we had our walking-around wine from the Windsor Club while we were touring the hotel. They also have the only private casino in America underneath the entry gardens (see those flowers in the photo of the hotel above?), which was quite impressive also. I think we’re going to enjoy our time here and grandma is enjoying the amenities, especially when compared to Bettles…

Did I mention that the huge casino was under the gardens? We have another feature to visit today that also is underground. More on that tomorrow…

About Ed Everts

World traveler since retirement - love to see new places!
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1 Response to September 27th – White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia

  1. Karen McClintock says:

    What a beautiful, classy and fun place! It is certainly on a different spectrum of hotel accommodations from your north of the Arctic circle experience! Both very memorable and enjoyed! 😉

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