July 26th – Dubuque, Iowa

Our time with the grandkids was great and we enjoyed our time with them immensely. We got to see Story perform in a youth theater play as part of a summer camp, watched gymnastics practices for both Story and Jude, and took Jude to a birthday party at a bowling alley (and bowled with Story while the party was going on down the alleys). Besides all that, we went to a park and library, played in the yard, played lots of board games and generally had a good time together.

All that’s done now, and Laura flew back yesterday to check on her parents. I drove to Dubuque to visit with some friends and family and to see some of the good old sights in what was my home for 18 years. First up was a dinner with our pastor and his wife last night. Pastor Kincaid is now retired (as of the end of June) and it was good to hear of some of their plans and to catch up on each other’s families. It was a great time and we forgot to get a picture again, as is often the case when you have a good time together.

First sweet corn of the trip is later today.

About Ed Everts

World traveler since retirement - love to see new places!
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