August 20th – Bering Sea near the Arctic Circle

We’re not sure if Russia is jamming internet signals here or if it’s just because we’re in such an isolated location, but the internet has been spotty all day today (on the 21st). Let’s just say that we can see mainland Russia from here and we are not necessarily on the best of terms with them. We are told that we should get our signal back soon, so my money is on the Russians right now. They were patrolling here with the Chinese last week, but no sign of their ships here near our ship today.

We figured out that what we saw on Friday was one of the Canadian wildfires – it looked like a volcano was erupting, but nothing has been reported. Here’s a photo of it compared to Mt. Ranier that we saw as we left the Seattle area.

The vastness of the great northwest is hard to fathom until you see it from the air, so trying to understand the Canadian wildfires can be hard for those of us from the “lower 48” states. This territory is huge in comparison and has to be hard for firefighters to battle fires on mountain tops and isolated areas far from populated areas.

Out flight to Nome was on time and we arrived around 1:30 p.m., local time. We are now 4 hours behind the east coast of Florida, so it was another long day. Not sure when we’ll adjust to local time. We left at about 10 p.m. last night and are in the Bering Sea near Russia right now.

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1 Response to August 20th – Bering Sea near the Arctic Circle

  1. Marian says:

    Time to take a break and catch your breath. There’s a lot of exploring to do!!

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